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Showing posts from August, 2014

August Board News

(The text below is reprinted from the news release by STRS on 08/15/2014.) STRS Ohio Reports +16.8% Total Fund Return for Fiscal Year 2014 During the August meeting of the State Teachers Retirement Board, Investment Department staff reported that STRS Ohio’s total fund return for the year ending June 30, 2014, was +16.8%, and the market value of assets at fiscal year end was $74.8 billion. The strong return exceeded the fund’s assumed actuarial return of 7.75% and followed a +13.7% return in fiscal year 2013. The Retirement Board’s investment consultant, Callan Associates, noted that STRS Ohio’s fiscal year 2014 returns ranked above the median of the Callan Public Fund Sponsor database, but an overweight to liquidity reserves detracted from returns. Following two years of solid market returns, STRS Ohio’s 2015 Investment Plan calls for only moderate growth in the capital markets in fiscal year 2015.        STRS Ohio’s assumed actuarial rate of retur...