(The text below is reprinted from the news release by STRS on 5/16/2014.) Board Approves STRS Ohio Health Care Program Changes for 2015 At the May meeting of the State Teachers Retirement Board, the board approved a number of STRS Ohio Health Care Program changes that will take effect in the 2015 plan year. During the April 2014 board meeting, staff proposed health care program changes for plan years 2015 and 2016. The approved changes for 2015 follow the health care strategic framework adopted by the board in 2011 and are designed to improve the board’s ability to sustain the health care program by focusing on: Reducing non-Medicare program costs; Staying below the Affordable Care Act’s excise tax threshold in 2018; Guiding enrollees to lower cost plans, in-network providers and cost-effective services; and Offering subsidies only to members enrolled in an STRS Ohio health care plan. The only actions taken on proposed changes for the 2016 plan year were related to ...
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