(The text below is reprinted from the news release by STRS on 6/15/11.) Members who have been following communications from STRS Ohio during the past few months know that the system has continually expressed its concern about one component of Gov. John Kasich's proposed state budget that was first presented in March. This component called for a shift in employer/employee contributions from the five statewide pension systems. Employers would pay 2% less based on payroll and employees would pay 2% more. For STRS Ohio, this could mean an increase in member contributions to 12% from the current 10%, and a decrease in employer contributions to 12% from 14%. Requiring employers to pay less was recommended as a way to help offset the cutbacks in state funding to state and local governments. STRS Ohio Executive Director Michael Nehf, as well as constituency groups and individual STRS Ohio members, voiced their concern with legislators about this budget bill language. In subsequent acti...
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